Before and After School Care

Three Lower School students smiling and hugging at after school care

Before and After School Care offer parents and students with different schedules the opportunity to arrange their day in a way that suits them best. Before School Care provides a nurturing environment for students to start the day off right, while After School Care provides socialization, structured free time, physical activity, and a dedicated space to work on homework and projects. 

CDS Lower School student smiling

Before School Care

For students in LS, KLS, MS and KMS who need to arrive earlier than the early arrival times, we offer before-school care in Nash Athletic Center beginning at 7:30 am. There is no cost to parents for before-school care.

 After School Care

The after-school program offers supervised care plus a nutritious snack every school day, as well as homework support for students in grades 2-8. The program is available to Lower School/Key Lower School families from dismissal to 6:00 p.m. and Middle School/Key Middle School students from dismissal to 6:00 p.m.

After-School Fees

Are for all or part of anytime between 3 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. There are two enrollment options for After-school Care: by semester or the full year. Log in to My CDS to see current fees and billing options. Middle school students must be signed up for the after-school program if they will be on campus after dismissal without adult supervision.

Six lower school students playing in sandbox with two teachers supervising


Lower School student making smores in After School Enrichment


Looking for additional PK-5

Two CDS students smiling and holding up their clay creations


A Lower School Student painting a clay figuring in After School Enrichment