
Back to School

Let's get ready for a great new year!

Welcome back Wildcats!

Here's where you'll find important information to help you and your students prepare for a successful start at school. Don't miss the link to our handy Back-to-School Checklist as well. 

Back-to-School Checklist

To make for the best possible start to our school year, we've put together a checklist to help families prepare. Here's where you'll find the school supply list, dress code, forms to fill out, sign up links for bus transportation and after school care, and more! 

back-to-school checklist

August 19 is Welcome Wildcat Day

On this day we'll hold orientations for students new to the Middle, Key Middle, and Upper Schools, and an optional all-school “open house” where all students and parents in all grades may opt to come to campus and have a chance to see their classrooms, meet their teachers, speak with administrators, and socialize in advance of the first day of school (Aug. 20).

welcome wildcat day schedule

August 20 is the first day of school

On this day we'll start following our regular schedule. 

School Hours Earliest Arrival, Start Time, and Dismissal

2024-25 Athletic Participation

In early summer, our Athletics Department sent information to Wildcat families about 2024-25 Athletic & Clinic Offerings. If you have questions, contact athletics@carolinaday.org.

learn more


There will be no changes to the carline until the North parking lot is completed. The carline identification cards (to ensure quick and authorized pick up) will be sent home with your child on the first day of school. Campus map for reference.

  • Lower School students in grades PK–K will be dropped off at the After-Care building.
  • Lower School students in grades 1–5 will be dropped off between Love Hall and Nash Athletic Center.  
  • Key Lower School students will be dropped off in the Key School circle.
  • Middle & Key Middle School students will be dropped off between Love Hall and Nash Athletic Center.
  • Upper School students will be dropped off in front of the Upper School. Student drivers will park in the South Lot (Lower School/Nash parking lot).

Limited Parking Notice: Starting Tuesday, August 20th, parking will be very limited for parents and visitors until the campus enhancements are completed this fall. Please stay in your vehicle while dropping off your child; our carline staff will assist younger students. Thank you for your flexibility.

Medical & Health Forms

Every year, families must submit or update crucial medical records and forms for their students by August 1. 

  • Rising K, 7th and 12th graders and new students will need to submit immunization records at the beginning of the 24/25 school year. New students and rising K students will need a current physical submitted as well.

  • If you would like your child to have the option of receiving over-the-counter medications at school please have OTC Medication Authorization form filled out by your child's doctor.
  • If your child will require prescription medications at school (including EpiPens and inhalers) please have the attached Prescription Medication Authorization form filled out by your child's doctor.
  • If your child is a lower school student and has an allergy, asthma, or seizure disorder please ask for a copy of their Action Plan for submission.
  • If your child is in middle or upper school and will be carrying their own Inhaler or EpiPen please fill out and submit the Self Administration/Carry form.
  • Any child in grades 5-12 who wishes to participate in the CDS athletic program must have an updated yearly pre-participation physical.

More details are available here. Also check your parent email for instructions on how to submit your student’s medical forms to the school through Magnus, our student health record software.

We eagerly look forward to welcoming our Wildcats back to Carolina Day School in the upcoming school year!

Looking for the summer work packets that were sent out in May?

You'll find them on our 2024 Summer Checklist page.

2024 Summer Checklist